jueves, 24 de mayo de 2007


Well, since here some things that we've done this course. This is not all, we've seen two films and read two books, we've learn grammar, vocabulary...etc but those are the thinks that I like more.

Here I put my blogs:



nothing more to say! I hope you like my Portfolio!

bye bye!


[ThE LaST SonG]

ChAsIng CaRs

Ho farem tot
En nosaltres mateixos

No necessitem
O ningú

Si m’estiro aquí
Si només m’estiro aquí
Mentiries amb mi i oblidaries el món?

Gairebé no sé
Com dir
Com em sento

Aquestes tres paraules
Són dits massa
No són prou

Si m’estiro aquí
Si només m’estiro aquí
Mentiries amb mi i oblidaries el món?

Oblida el que hem parlat
Abans ens fem massa vells
Ensenya’m un jardí tornant a la vida

Anem a perdre el temps
Perseguint cotxes
Al voltant els nostres caps

Necessito la teva elegància
Per recordar-me
Per trobar-me a mi mateix

Si m’estiro aquí
Si només m’estiro aquí
Mentiries amb mi i oblidaries el món?

Tot el que sóc
Tot el que sempre serè
Està dins dels teus perfectes ulls, ells son tot el que puc beure

No se a on
Confós com també
Només saber que aquestes coses mai canviaran del tot per nosaltres

Si m’estiro aquí
Si només m’estiro aquí
Mentiries amb mi i oblidaries el món?

[AcRóStIC ]

Place to live without fears or illness
Always happy and funny faces
Rivers of happiness and love
Absolutely perfect weather, nature and water
Daggers, knifes or guns are not welcome
Identical rights and duties for everybody
Seems like a joke but,
Each for himself can dream about this perfect place.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2007

[AnoThEr CoMpoSition!]

Computer have made the world a better place? discuss

Nowadays, world ans society have changed a lot. Our century is the century of the technology. Industries have created a lot of new inventions to help us in you life. One of the mos important inventions is the computer.

In my view, computers have, obviously, changed the wordl. On the one hand, we use the computers to get comunicated with all the world, to buy, chat,... but on the other hand, a lot of people, and speciallt the teenagers, have becomed obsessed with this invention. With a computer you can do all you want and, sometimes, all you can't do in the real life.

In conclusion, I thint taht computers have made the world a better place, but we have to take care with these machines: as they can be our help to search information,... they can do you lose the life and become a computer obsess. So, is you use the computer responsibly, you will have a better life, but if you don't, your life will be a nightmare.

[KinG GeORgE]

Hi! this another song that we've translated in class. It's called "king george".

Jo faré que marxi
No has de creure més
Només tinc quatre hores
Per aprendre les teves maneres
Mai me sentit tan a prop de tu abans

No tu...
No agafis l’ incorrecte
Faré que algú ho faci
Només tinc quatre hores
Per aprendre les teves maneres
Mai me sentit tan a prop de tu abans

Llarg tir
En nom de Déu
Necessito una cançó de Mc Carteny
Tot el que vull que sàpigues
Es que no estaré aquí per molt
I el meu cor
Oh! El meu cor s’està adolorint

[SecOnD PreSEnTatIon!]

Hi! here you have my second presentation. It's about my Research Project.

bye bye!

[SEConD ComPoSiTioN!]

Hi!! here you are a composition of one PAU exam. It's about Catalan language and culture. Enjoy it!

I will talk about the place where I was born and I live: Catalonia. Catalonia is a different region inters Spain with different culture and language.

Firstly, I want to talk about de Language, we speak Catalan, a variety of language born from Latin. It is very similar to Spanish, French or Italian but the principal difference is that Catalan is in danger of extinction. Historically, Catalan has been a second language for the inhabitants of Spain and, occasionally, it has been forbidden and pursued by the authorities.

Secondly, I want to talk about the Culture. I believe that the Catalan culture and the Spanish have many features in common, but at the same time it also has many differenties. We have the same government and the same laws but it hasn’t been always like this. Catalonia was born independent of Castilla and after, by a wedding, we had become a unique country. Politically it has been this way, but people's personality has continued being very different, be have different food, different humour, different personality, literature, musicians… a lot of things that made Catalonia a singular place in the world.

In conclusion, Catalonia have a very rich language and culture in a different way of the rest of Spain and it makes us special.